Friday, March 12, 2010


For those that read and want updates about our struggle with infertility... here is the latest. We have taken quite a long time off, since Sept. We are on the bandwagon again. On Wednesday, at 7:00 am we are having a diagnostic laparoscopy to see if there is an underlying issue that has not shown up on any of the other test or sonograms that we have done. I will be out of commission for about 5 days, it just depends on the severity of the problem, if any. My parents are coming to be here with us during this time. Really, my poor dad has to take care of me. My mom will be at a training in Dallas so we will see her at night, and Shaylor has to work, Wed. night, Thurs, and Friday. Then it will be his turn on Sat. and Sun. I am hoping, and praying that this gives us some answers. Over 2 years of dealing with infertility has taken a toll on us. We are so ready to be parents and know that our time is coming soon. Please as Wednesday approaches if you think about it, we would appreciate any prayers.

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